Loan Origination Software For Community Banking
Commercial. Consumer. Mortgage. — One Platform
We help community bankers save time, strengthen compliance,
and engage borrowers at each stage of the lending process.
Passion + Experience = Success
We wake up every day with the driving passion to help you achieve more. We pair this passion with decades of real world banking experience to deliver high impact solutions that save you time and money. From the front line to back office, we elevate your success.
Find More Time In The Day
Time is a precious resource. We help you get more of it by automating manual work. Whether you’re ordering credit reports, spreading financials, or tracking ticklers, we help you say goodbye to keying data into multiple disjointed technologies and spreadsheets!
Tailored Borrower Experiences
Digital is here to stay but that doesn’t mean every customer wants a 100% digital experience. We equip you with tools to balance digital delivery with relationship banking based on your customer’s preference, building on your competitive advantage in the market.
An Intuitive Design Inspired By Bankers
Loan Doc Generation
Traditional loan documentation tools are inefficient. We generate warranted consumer and commercial loan docs within Hawthorn River to materially improve productivity and quality.
Tax Form Spreading
Community bankers rely heavily on spreadsheets for analysis. We offer spreading tools that map tax form data to the income statement and balance sheet to calculate ratios.
Digital Applications
Borrowers expect their bank to provide an intuitive online lending experience. Our commercial and consumer loan onboarding tools are tailored to the preferences of your borrowers.
File Management
Our digital file cabinet identifies required documents based on loan structure. We also track ticklers and exceptions. Say goodbye to those paper files.
Self Service Portals
With our self-service portal, you can notify borrowers of ticklers, easily transfer documents, and engage appraisal companies within a secured environment.
Automated Processing
The average loan requires the same data to be keyed upwards of 10 times. We eliminate redundant data entry by integrating every aspect of the lending process into a streamlined flow.